Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Organizational Behavior - Essay Example In every year starting from 1970 and ending at 1979, the number of references remained 20. The number of references approximately doubled with the start of the year 1980 i.e. the number of references increased from 20 to 41. In the decade between 1980 and 1989, each year saw a total number of references of 41. The number of references did not increase from 41 until the start of the year 1990, when another 21 references were added to the total to make them 62. It is noteworthy that the addition in the number of references at the junction between the end of 1979 and the start of 1980 is exactly equal to the addition in the number of references at the interface between 1989 and 1990. Each transition was equal to the addition of 21 references to the total. Starting from the year 1990 till the year 1999, the number of references remained stable at 62. Right at the point of transition between 1999 and 2000, the number of references approximately showed a five-fold increase, thus becoming 3 00 in the year 2000 from only 62 in the year 1999. The number of references remained 300 in each year between 2000 and 2009. Overall, the increase of the number of references from 1960 to 2009 occurred in such a way that makes the pattern of stairs. Every decade from 1960 to 2009 represents one tread of the stair and every riser of this staircase is a point of transition between one decade and another. Overall, there has been an increase in the number of references from 1960 to 2009, with the number remaining constant for each decade between the two years. It is also noteworthy that the references increased by small numbers in the starting years, but suddenly shot up at the junction between the year 1999 and the year 2000. With the onset of the 21st century, there occurred an immense transition in the number of references. In just a matter of fifty years, the number of references that were non-existent in the year 1960 and remained so

Monday, October 28, 2019

Planning and Developing a Marketing Campaign Essay Example for Free

Planning and Developing a Marketing Campaign Essay In this assignment, I will be exploring the marketing mix and all of its different factors as well as to apply this to Coca-Cola and how they are currently and may be affected by the marketing mix in the future. Product A product is anything that is capable of satisfying customer needs. There are two different offerings of this being, a physical item or of a virtual type. The product is therefore created at a specific cost and marketed at a desired price that would be deemed as acceptable for the quality of the item. Every product will follow a lifecycle, a company can increase its competitive edge. There are many different ways in which they can develop or expand upon a certain product so that it can remain relevant and up to date with the changing market especially when it reaches the decline or end of its life. Product development The process of creating or improving a product or service and managing it during all stages from design through marketing. Product development is a key part of introducing a new, appealing product to their audience, this process may involve numerous modifications to the product so that it does meet the needs and purpose of the product. There are various stages that a new or improved product or service goes through from design, through developing, testing, and marketing it. Form and Function form fit function, is used in manufacturing to describe the identifying characteristics of a part. For example, the screw is intended to hold other parts of the product together. In practice, the rule of form follows function, start the design process by first getting as much information as possible about the purpose of the piece you are creating. Using this process allows a company to understand and ensure that the product is acceptable as well as fit for its purpose. Without this process, the intentions and purpose for a product can be lost, which ideally is not a stage of which what a company would want to beat. Packaging Packaging is a very crucial part when creating and marketing a product because it is the first thing the customer sees before purchasing the product, therefore, this makes the packaging of the product to be respectable and appropriate to catch the eye of the consumer. How the product is packaged may also be what attracts the consumer to check out the product on the shelf or it could be a product that stands out from the rest online, amongst its competitors. For this reason, companies conduct extensive research on color schemes, designs and types of product packaging that is the most appealing to its intended consumer. The main function of packaging is to protect the product from damage during the process from the producer to the consumer, this process involves travel and shelf life of the product. Branding Branding a product was much easier when there were no websites, smartphones, interactive games or social media. Today, creative teams are required to seamlessly brand products across multiple media, using the same voice, design and messaging, often with different creative teams and designers creating separate brand extensions. Without a strong brand behind your product line, there’s little to compel a buyer to choose you over another option. And with so many options in most markets today, branding is more important than ever. Product branding gives the items in your store an identity within the marketplace. Good branding can allow your specific products to stand out against what a competitor offers, and engender the kind of brand loyalty that pulls customers into your store. That identity is built of numerous components, including logos, design, packaging, messaging as well as names and descriptions. Coca-Cola has been around since 1892 and has developed a well-known brand all over the world. They are a company who have worked on producing a high quality, refreshing product that meets the needs of their consumers. They have developed their product minimally and have always offered the same refreshing taste. From having a simple and unique design this has meant that they can stand out amongst competitive brands such as Pepsi. In addition, the look of the product has also been similar since they started, by doing this Coca-Cola is able to provide a distinctive well-known product all over the world. Coca-Cola is the best marketing and branding company in the world, the company built began with one soda. Today it is one of the world’s most valuable brands and they’ve done it by integrating different components into the marketing mix. Price – is the value that is put into a product or service and is the result of a complex set of calculations, research and understanding, and risk-taking ability. A pricing strategy takes into account segments, ability to pay, market conditions, competitor actions, trade margins and input costs, amongst others. It is targeted at the defined customers and against competitors. Penetration Pricing – Penetration pricing refers to a marketing strategy used by businesses to attract customers to a new product or service. Penetration pricing is the practice of offering a low price for a new product or service during its initial offering in order to lure customers away from competitors. Penetration pricing is most commonly associated with a marketing objective of increasing market share or sales volume. In the short term, penetration pricing is likely to result in lower profits than would be the case if the price were set higher. Skimming Pricing – Price skimming is a pricing strategy in which a marketer sets a relatively high initial price for a product or service at first, then lowers the price over time. It is a temporal version of price discrimination/yield management. Competitive Pricing – Competitive pricing is setting the price of a product or service based on what the competition is charging. This pricing method is used more often by businesses selling similar products since services can vary from business to business, while the attributes of a product remain similar. This type of pricing strategy is generally used once a price for a product or service has reached a level of equilibrium, which occurs when a product has been on the market for a long time and there are many substitutes for the product. Cost plus Pricing – Cost-plus pricing, also called markup pricing or markup pricing is the practice by a company of determining the cost of their product to them and then adding a percentage on top of that price to determine the selling price to the customer. Cost-plus pricing is a very simple cost-based pricing strategy for setting the prices of goods and services. The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that Consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or services. As price gives us the profit so this P is very important for a business price of the product should be that which gives maximum benefit to the company and which gives maximum satisfaction to the customer. For Coca-Cola, there are many factors that they kept in mind while determining the pricing strategy. Firstly, the price should be set according to the product demand of public because it is of what which gives the company maximum revenue. Price should also not be too low or too high then the price competitor is charging from otherwise nobody will buy their product. Another factor is that price must be keeping the view of your target market. The price of Coca-Cola, despite being the market leader is the same as that of its competitors, sometimes, Pepsi places its customers into some psychological pricing strategies by reducing a high priced bottle and consumers think that they save a lot of money from this. Place – In the marketing mix, the process of moving products from the producer to the intended user is called the place. In other words, it is how your product is bought and where it is bought. This movement could be through a combination of intermediaries such as distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. In addition, a newer method is the internet which itself is a marketplace now. Through the use of the right place, a company can increase sales and maintain these over a longer period of time. In turn, this would mean a greater share of the market and increased revenues and profits. Correct placement is a vital activity that is focused on reaching the right target audience at the right time. Distribution Channels – Channels are broken into direct and indirect forms, with a \direct\ channel allowing the consumer to buy the good from the manufacturer, and a \indirect\ channel allowing the consumer to buy the good from a wholesaler or retailer. A distribution channel is a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service passes until it reaches the end consumer. It can include wholesalers, retailers, distributors and even the internet itself. Retailers – A retailer is a person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale. Retail distribution is the most traditional form of the distribution channel. The common model includes the manufacturer using an intermediary such as a wholesaler or distributor to deliver products directly to retailers, then ultimately to the consumer.   Wholesalers – Manufacturers may also employ wholesale operations that purchase products from manufacturers at a deeply discounted price. The wholesaler often uses a distributor or other smaller wholesaler as an intermediary to deliver products in bulk to retailers, or it may offer products directly to retailers or consumers. The scope of the manufacturer relationship with the wholesaler can have varying effects on product delivery time and price. Coca-Cola is a global business that operates on a local scale, in every community where we do business. We are able to create global reach with local focus because of the strength of the Coca-Cola system, which comprises our Company and our nearly 250 bottling partners worldwide. The firms distribution system is one of the most well planned and executed compared to all other drinks of the same category. It has such an impact on consumers and is so successful that even wholesalers and distributors need the product for their business’ success. Coke’s position on consumer’s mind makes it essential to retailers and wholesalers. They have achieved their goal due to this high visibility, and to the availability of their products all over the world, even remote places. Promotion – There is much more to promotion than advertising. Businesses use various methods to gain publicity. Promotion refers to the methods used by a business to make customers aware of its product. Advertising is just one of the means a business can use to create publicity. For example, product promotion performed by a typical business might take the form of advertising the product in question via print or Internet ads, direct mail or e-mail letters, trade shows, telephone and personal sales calls, TV and radio ads, billboards, posters and flyers. Public relations – Public relations is the way organizations, companies and individuals communicate with the public and media. A PR specialist communicates with the target audience directly or indirectly through media with an aim to create and maintain a positive image and create a strong relationship with the audience. Examples include press releases, newsletters, public appearances, etc. as well as utilization of the World Wide Web. Sponsorship – advertising that seeks to establish a deeper association and integration between an advertiser and a publisher, often involving coordinated beyond-the-banner placements. Examples of sponsorships vary widely, as the whole point is to establish a unique advertising opportunity than afforded by typical rotating advertisements. They may include several fixed ad placements, advertorials, co-branded content sections, or anything the advertiser and publisher can agree on. Social and or other Media – The emergence of Internet-based social media has made it possible for one person to communicate with hundreds or even thousands of other people about products and the companies that provide them. The impact of consumer-to-consumer communications has been greatly magnified in the marketplace. The first role of social media is reliable with the use of traditional integrated marketing Communication tools. That is, companies can use social media to talk to their customers through such platforms as blogs, as well as Facebook groups. These media may either be the company- sponsored or sponsored by other individuals or organizations. The second promotion-related role of social media is unique: customers can use it to communicate with one another. Guerrilla marketing – The goal of guerrilla marketing was to use unconventional tactics to advertise on a small budget. It is an advertisement strategy concept designed for businesses to promote their products or services in an unconventional way with little budget to spend. This involves high energy and imagination focusing on grasping the attention of the public in more personal and memorable level. The term guerrilla marketing was inspired by guerrilla warfare which is a form of irregular warfare and relates to the small tactic strategies used by armed civilians. Many of these tactics include ambushes, sabotage, raids and elements of surprise. Much like guerrilla warfare, guerrilla marketing uses the same sort of tactics in the marketing industry. Personal selling – Personal selling is the process of communicating with a potential buyer face-to-face with the purpose of selling a product or service. Personal selling is one part of a company\s promotion mix, along with advertising, sales promotion, and public relations. It is a strategy that salespeople use to convince customers to purchase a product. The salesperson uses a personalized approach, tailored to meet the individual needs of the customer, to demonstrate the ways that the product will benefit the company. Product placement – An advertising technique used by companies to subtly promote their products through a non-traditional advertising technique, usually through appearances in film, television, or other media. Product placements are often initiated through an agreement between a product manufacturer and the media company in which the media company receives an economic benefit. A company will often pay a fee to have their product used, displayed, or significantly featured in a movie or show. For example, Coca-Cola could pay a given fee to have the title character drinking a Coke, instead of a Pepsi beverage. Digital Marketing – The promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. For example, advertising mediums that might be used as part of the digital marketing strategy of a business could include promotional efforts made via the Internet, social media, mobile phones and electronic billboards, as well as via digital and television and radio channels. Corporate image – Similar to a firm\s reputation or goodwill, it is the public perception of the firm rather than a reflection of its actual state or position. Unlike corporate identity, it is fluid and can change overnight from positive to negative to neutral. Large firms use various corporate advertising techniques to enhance their image in order to improve their desirability as a supplier, employer, customer or the borrower.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Berlin Blockade :: essays papers

Berlin Blockade After World War II, when Germany was defeated, it was divided into four zones, one for each of the Allies. The eastern part went to the Russians. The other Allied Powers, France, Britain and the U.S. divided the Western portion of the city among themselves. This arrangement reflected the Allied solution for the whole of Germany. Berlin was an island with special status governed by four nations in the sea of the Soviet Zone of Occupation. In 1947, the Western portion of Germany instituted a government under the watchful eyes of the Western Allies. The Soviet sector followed suit in 1949. During this period, the elaborate governance structure of greater Berlin broke under the strain of Cold War tensions. What emerged was West Berlin, which took up ties with West Germany, known as the Federal Republic of Germany. East Berlin, which comprised the ruins of the old and historic center of Berlin and outlying districts to the East, became the capital of the German Democratic Republic. After World War II, the Americans pumped capital into West Germany through the Marshall Plan, which resulted in one of the world's strongest economies, enormous prosperity and a stable democracy. Germany has been divided ever since and though at every opportunity, lip service was paid by all western nations to its eventual reunification, no one took the matter seriously. Still bound by very complex regulations, West Berlin began to rebuild in earnest. It was given special treatment by West Germany and by the Allies. Its survival became a symbol of Western commitment against Soviet style communism. Money was pumped in, industries revived, a new University created, since Communist professors and principles dominated the Humboldt University in East Berlin. But the East German Government, certain that West Berlin would eventually fall to them, was richly inventive in tactics of intimidation. Highways were blocked for hours or days at a time, as were canal and rail corridors. Finally, they blockaded the city totally. The Americans - specifically, General Lucius Clay, - invented the Air Lift. For over a year, one B-29 after another flew into Tempelhof Airport and supplied the city until the blockade was lifted. Americans were heroes to West Berliners during in the late 'forties and well beyond. Berlin cleaned up the war mess, grew and prospered, not quite as dynamically as West Germany, but not too far behind.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hear Me As I Am Essay

â€Å"What’s that you’re playing on the piano, Aubrey?† I asked my friend at a sleepover at her house. â€Å"It’s ‘Love Song’ by Sara Bareilles.† â€Å"Oh, I haven’t heard of that.† Little did I know I had heard that song before – I just didn’t recognize it. A few weeks passed and I recognized a certain type of piano playing on the radio. Aubrey plays this song, I realized. I listened to the song and I remember loving it and wanting to listen to it again. A couple months later, I watched American Idol, and the song is performed several times. A few more months pass and it’s January 2009; my parents decide to buy me an iPod. Later, I put the song on my iPod, and it becomes a favorite of mine that I realize has a lot of meaning – unlike many songs made today. That was how I came to know Sara Bareilles and her biggest hit, â€Å"Love Song.† â€Å"You are not what I thought you were†¦Ã¢â‚¬  – this was probably the most meaningful part of the whole song for me, because this was how Sara Bareilles stressed reality. Many people and advertisements today disguise themselves with lies that are not always that easy to see through. In this case the singer is talking about a person, most likely a boyfriend. And it’s true – many people today put on a fake front to try to appeal to others, like on the Internet or in Hollywood, but when you really get to know the person you discover that they aren’t what you originally thought them to be. I have experienced that with â€Å"friends† with whom I would later find out weren’t my friends at all because they really didn’t care about me or my feelings. In Sara’s situation, and in many other situations, one person is looking for real love and is serious, but the other isn’t. Hiding what you are is something that has deeply, negatively affected and continues to affect myself and many other unfortunate people. But it is a fact of life and needs to be dealt with, so I am happy that at least one other person besides me sees the truth of the matter. â€Å"Convinced me, to please you, Made me think that I need this too, I’m trying to let you Hear me as I am†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This is my favorite section out of this song because in it Sara Bareilles shows that she’s just trying to be herself. I admire someone who is themselves because it shows that they aren’t afraid of other people’s criticism. I try to do the same but sometimes it can be very difficult and it’s easy to be pressured to â€Å"blend in† with the crowd. Intimate friends can â€Å"convince [you]† to please them and others around you, but they are really not your friends if they don’t â€Å"hear [you] as [you are]† or respect your morals and ethics. Sara is letting people know that she’s not going to let anyone mess with her, and I admire that. The overall meaning of this song for me was that people need to be their own individual person. This includes not doing things just because others ask you to, but deciding for yourself whether or not it goes along with your morals and values. Like Sara, I wouldn’t write someone a love song just because they asked me to – I would wait until I found a person who really cared. Instead, Sara stood up for herself and made sure that the other person knew how she really felt. That is something that I strive to do and I hope that others do too. I do realize that it’s easier to do things when everyone else is, but that’s where your inner strength comes in. Ask yourself, do I value my friends ideas more than what I know is right or wrong? Doing this involves your conscience, and if it has been trained properly, you will make the right decision. What I mainly want my classmates to get out of my presentation – and I don’t think I’ve stressed this enough at all – is that you need to be yourself. I notice that many of my classmates feel that they have to have the latest shirt form American Eagle of that they have to get the latest song from some singer on their iPod. But focusing on these little things isn’t what’s going to get you friends and it doesn’t make you any happier. What is important is that you have your own style and way of life, and not copy everyone else. Like Hunter said the other day, â€Å"If everyone were the same, life would be pretty boring.† Well, it’s not an â€Å"if†, and because of that people need to pay attention to themselves and make sure they are not carbon copies of each other. With my friends, I don’t care what their clothes look like or what music they prefer to listen to. I care what their morals are, what their personal interests are, and if they are a good friend. But even if my classmates don’t listen to me, I’m going to care, and that’s what makes all the difference.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Difference Between America and South Korea Health Care Essay

Each country has a different procedure when it comes to their health care and their care with pre and postnatal. Some countries can spend a great amount of money on their health care (such as the United States) but still might not have the best health care in the world. Others have special arrangements that new mothers and infants can go through to make sure that they start off their life in a good and healthy environment. In this paper I am going to compare and contrast the infant health care and the overall prenatal care in the United States and South Korea by referencing multiple articles and textbooks that focus on this subject. Both countries have various ways in which they handle their health system and the care of their newborns. There are many factors that determine the health of a newborn such as the nutrition that the soon to be mother consumes, the environment that the mother and the child live in, and the hospital that the child is born in. Throughout the years each of these countries have been putting time and money into their health system with the goal of having the most outstanding health care system in the world. Their progress can be recorded in many different ways which will be discussed within this paper. Also the United States and South Korea both have very different systems when dealing with prenatal and infant care. One way that the infant care of a country is measured is through the mortality rate of the infants. In fact (Bae et al. , 2011), â€Å"Neonatal mortality rate (NMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) are two of the most important indices reflecting the level of public health of a country† (Abstract Section Para. 1). Without measuring and keeping track of these mortality rates, researches would not be able to figure out what countries are working towards a better health care service and which countries need help. Even though the United States is a developed country, and unlike less developed countries, it should have a high mortality rate. In all actuality the United States has one of the worst mortality rates compared to other counties. According to Levine and Munsch (2012), â€Å"Despite the wealth and the availability of (but not always access to) world-class edical facilities, the United States has the same or worse infant mortality rates compared with 37 other industrialized countries (Hoover Institution, 2007)† (p. 176). There are reasons for the high mortality rate, such as the fact there are many different races, ethnicities, and social statuses within the United States. Race and ethnicity do have an input in a person’s health and their life style. Some races (such as Asians) have a higher life expectancy and a lower mortality rate throughout their race because of the way that they are raised and the traditions that they fallow. The social statuses of the expecting mothers also have an impact on the future children because when the parent is part of a higher social status, it is assumed that they have a higher level of education and therefore know more about how they should care for themselves and their infants. The opposite goes for people who are part of a lower social status. The United States has been lowering the number of infant mortality rates by putting programs in affect to try and help out the health system. Some of these programs are (Bae et al. , 2011), †¦execution of Medicaid (1965), Medicare (1965), Supplemental Security Income (social health care security programs for children and pregnant women of the lower income group), provision of State Children’s Health Insurance Programs, Children Vaccine Program, Health Start Program (1991, Early Head Start Program, full day care service, parent education, case management, Community Resource Assistant)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Discussion Section para. ) and much more. The United States has more programs to help reduce the risk of infant mortality and various diseases, they are also working on other ways to help out the infant mortality rate by focusing on premature and low-birth weight babies. According to Levine and Munsch (2012), â€Å"Birth data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2007a) for 2005 found that the rate of premature births in the United States is 12. 7% or 525,000 babies annually† (p. 178). This number is high for premature births and these programs that are being put into place should help lower it. Even with all of these programs working toward a better health system, South Korea has less of an infant mortality rate. South Korea has improved its health system throughout the years and it has shown in their child care. Their country includes programs such as (Bae et al. , 2011), †¦tests for inborn error of metabolism and care for sick infants (1991), registration of pre-term and congenital abnormal neonates and medical expense support 2000), early diagnosis of deafness (2007), campaign for preventing blindness of preschoolers (2000), prevention of maternal hepatitis B infection (2002†¦(Discussion Section Para. 1) and much more. There are also more programs that are scheduled to appear throughout the fallowing years. As mentioned before it is easier for South Korea to keep their infant mortality rate down because they do not have to focus on many different nati onalities in their country, most of the population in South Korea are Korean. If you compare the two countries and the programs that they are producing it is shown the South Korea has been receiving more advances in the 2000’s while the United States had a breakthrough in their health care in the 1900’s. Copyright  © 2011 The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences. This chart shows that South Korea started off with a higher mortality rate and it had a drastic decline. The United States had a decline in the 1900’s and during the 2000’s it started to stabilize. Copyright  © 2011 The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences. This Chart gives a better understanding as to where the United States and South Korea stand with other countries. Neither of them are the best or the worst country, however they are on opposite sides of the scale. It is expected for the United States to have a lower mortality rate because of the amount of money put into their health care system, but according to the chart this does not appear to be true. South Korea has a lot of respect when it comes to their infants. They see their children as the future to their country and they are willing to do anything to make sure that their infants are well taken care of. This is shown through the data on the chart above because South Korea is closer to the bottom of the scale instead of the top. Both South Korea and the United States have a different hospital system. South Korea has a post-natal care facility called a sanhujoriwon. According to Yeon-soo (2013), Dozens of mothers and newborns stay together in such facilities and more than half of the places operate as non-medical institutions, leading to occasional problems with hygienic management. To prevent mass infection among babies at sanhujoriwons, the government recently beefed up disease surveillance of workers there and instituted a standard terms of use (Para. 2) South Korea is the only country that has these facilities available for their new mothers. Many pregnant women from all over the world come to South Korea just to get this treatment after they give birth. However, this facility is expensive, so not everyone can afford this luxury. According to Yeon-soo (2013), â€Å"The cost of using an upscale sanhujoriwon is 5 million (4,730 U.  S. dollars) to 10 million won (9,460 dollars) for a two-week stay, but the facility is so popular that a reservation might not be possible if not made six to seven months prior to childbirth† (para. 4). That is the price for the most expensive and luxurious places; other places can be thousands of dollars cheaper. In these facilities the nurses make sure that the patients get the right exercise (such as light yoga) and eat the correct food so that their recovery after birth will be as pleasant and beneficial as possible. They also care for the newborn and make sure that they get the nutrients that they need in the first couple of weeks. This helps out the new mother because they have time to relax and recover while their baby is getting the necessary care that is needed. When the mother is ready to go home after a couple of weeks they have a better time adjusting to their new life with a baby because they had the rest and help that they needed. In the United States they do not have these same accommodations but they to do have systems to help out the new mother. The United States has many medical professionals to help with neonatal and postnatal care. Some of those occupations include (Link, Jakubeez, & Temple, 2013), â€Å"†¦neonatologist, neonatal nurse practitioners, bedside nurses, a clinical pharmacist, neonatal respiratory therapists, a nutritionist, a social worker, medical residents, and medical students† (Backgroud Section Para. 1). With a hospital consisting of these medical professionals the patients are likely to get the help that they need while going through the birthing process. Also many hospitals are expanding in the United States to include more room for neonatal care. The Hillcrest Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio expanded their hospital and included (Link, Jakubeez, & Temple, 2013),†¦Ã¢â‚¬ a new 24 bed level 3 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and additional beds to accommodate high-risk maternal medicine patients† (Background Section para. 1). They expanded their hospital so that they could care for more patients at once; also so that the patients got the opportunity to receive the best care available to them. Usually after a mother gives birth (depending on the birthing method), the mother will stay at the hospital for a couple of days, and then return home. While at the hospital the nurses will help the mother with nursing, feeding, and changing the child. They will also make sure that the mother is recovering well after the birthing process. Both in the United States and in South Korea, they have programs to help mothers and infants after birth. However, the system in South Korea is more advanced because it keeps the mother and infants for a longer period of time which is more beneficial to their health. Nutrition to a pregnant women is a very important factor. If the mother does not get the correct nutrition than they are putting themselves at risks for multiple diseases. Also they are not only putting themselves at risk but they are also putting their unborn baby at risk. Some diseases that the mother can catch from bad nutrition are gestational diabetes, gestational hyptertension, and preeclampsia. Gestational diabetes when not looked after turns into gestational hyptertension; the worst out of the three that were mentioned is preeclampsia. This is because (Sizer & Whitney, 2011), â€Å"Preeclampsia affects almost all of the mother’s organs—the circulatory system, liver, kidneys, and brain† (p. 508). If all of these organs are affected than the baby is at a serious risk of getting hurt. Most of these diseases will disappear after giving birth, but it raises the risk for the mother to catch another serious disease, such as type two diabetes. When a pregnant women is diagnosed with having gestational diabetes they are more likely to catch type two diabetes later on in life. It might not be right away but it could happen a couple of years later. Also they are more likely to be diagnosed with gestational diabetes again if they ever become pregnant again. Being overweight and pregnant is a big risk during pregnancy. In fact (Chen et al. , 2013), â€Å"Metabolic impairments in maternal obesity and gestational diabetes (GDM) induce an abnormal environment in peripheral blood and cause vascular structure alterations which affect the placental development and function† (Abstract section Para. 1). As mentioned before it does not only affect the mother but it also affects the unborn child, but it also affects the child after they are born. Using APA, 2013), â€Å"The historical poor outcomes of pre-gestational diabetes are testimony to the harmful effects of high glucose in early pregnancy as manifest by congenital malformations and in later pregnancy as evidenced by LGA [large-for-gestational-age] and its consequences. † (para. 2). The reason why this is more of a problem in the United States is because they have a higher obesity record than South Korea has. So more women throughout the United States are developing these diseases than women in South Korea. (Amamoto et al. 005) â€Å"Comparison of body mass index (BMI) distributions in Japan and Korea showed the highest value in the normal category (74%) together with a very low obesity rate (1. 2%)† (Results section para. 1). Since South Korea has a low obesity rate within their, they are less likely to give birth to large babies. However, the opposite goes for Women who live in the United States and are obese. This is a problem because (Sizer & Whitney, 2011), â€Å"The infant of an obese mother may be larger than normal and may be large even if born prematurely. The large early baby may not be recognized as premature and thus may not receive the special medical care required† (p. 492). A premature baby might not be completely developed and need medical assistance after the birth. If the doctors don’t know that the baby has developmental problems than the newborn runs the risk of dying. This could also explained for the high mortality rate in the United States since they have a higher rate of obesity and it is difficult to label a child as premature and unhealthy if they are at a healthy weight. The environment that the pregnant women is living in is very crucial to her and her unborn child’s health. There are many illnesses that a woman can pass on to her child from environments that are hazards. When a mother is in her embryonic stage her baby is at a point of rapid development. This is a very crucial stage because the baby is starting to grow their organs, however they are also more likely to catch a disease which could cause a deformity during this stage. If the mother catches a disease than they are more likely during this stage to pass it to their baby which could cause a miscarriage or deformities. The issue of the environment is more of a problem for South Korea because of all the pollution that is in the air. South Korea is a very overpopulated country (especially in Seoul) and with all the cars and factories the air gets easily polluted. According to Sizer and Whitney (2011), â€Å"Pregnant women who are exposed to contaminants such as lead often bear low-birthweight infants with delayed mental and psychomotor developments† (p. 04). This is also an issue in some part of the United States, but it depends on where the person lives. If a pregnant women lives next to a factory that produces hazardous smoke than they are more likely to give birth to a baby with deformities. However, in South Korea many pregnant women are exposed to polluted air for most of their pregnancy and some of their babies are born with serious skin pro blems. There is air pollution everywhere a pregnant women goes but if the pollution is high than they are putting the baby more at risk. There are many factors that play into the prenatal and postnatal health. South Korea and the United States both work hard to make their health system the best that it can be. They have many programs in place and many more programs to come in the future. They are working on their hospitals to make sure they are as convenient as possible so that the mothers and newborns can have the best possible health care. Both countries are working towards lowering their mortality rate and lessening the amount of premature and low-birth-weight children. There is also the nutrition and the environment that the mother is exposed too. A simple factor as being obese can cause serious damage to the mother and the unborn child. Many expecting mothers do not understand that concept so they do not see the risk in it. Of course one country has a better health care system then the other, however they both have pros and cons to their countries. The United States has more funds to deal with and has more medical professionals working in their hospitals so that their patients can receive the best care possible. The negative aspect of the United States is that they have a high obesity rate and a high mortality rate. They also need to work on more programs to lower their mortality rate so that they can have the best possible health care. South Korea has excellent postnatal care, which many people around the world want to experience and be a part of. Also they have a low level of obesity so they are not as likely as the United States to get the diseases that come along with being overweight. The negative aspect of Korea is that their environment is not the best because of the pollution that is surrounding the air. South Korea is an overpopulated country so the air is filled with pollutants that are not good for a pregnant woman and can cause low-birth weight and birth defects. Overall both countries have areas in their health care system that they have to work on and areas outside of their health care system that they need to address. However, as of right now South Korea has a more exceptional health care system than the United States, especially when it comes to infant care.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Buddhist Baptism Essays

Buddhist Baptism Essays Buddhist Baptism Essay Buddhist Baptism Essay Baptism For Roman Catholics, a baptism is basically a holy introduction into the church; a welcoming. Baptism is very significant to Christians as they believe that being baptised is essential to being forgiven for sinning and eventually being saved (getting into heaven), and in Roman Catholicism babies who are not baptised (and have died at birth) may go into a place called Limbo, at the edge of Hell. This belief is related to Jesus saying amen I say to thee, unless a man is born of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter the kingdom of God John 3:5. To most Christians, baptism is a demonstration of their commitment to the church and to god. This is a sacrament (a physical ceremony that causes an irreversible spiritual change) for most denominations except for the Salvation Army. Baptism should preferably take place on a Sunday. If the child is over 7, s/he must take special baptism classes. The parents and godparents must be member of the parish church, which generally means consistent attendance two months prior to the event. In the service the Godparents and parents present their child to be baptised. The clergyman leading he service asks the parents What do you ask Gods church for [childs name]? To which the parents reply Baptism, faith, the grace of God or something along those lines. The priest or clergyman then says, youVe asked for your child to be baptised, in doing so, youre accepting responsibility for training him in the practise of faith. It will be your duty to bring them up by Gods commandments as Christ has taught us, by loving God and our neighbour, do you clearly accept what youre undertaking?. Here the priest is stating that undertaking baptism is a commitment to live by God and it is he parents responsibility to raise their child in the manner of God. Psalms and hymns are then sung, such as Psalm 84: 7,8,9ab. The priest welcomes the into the church saying The Christian community welcomes you with great Joy The priest then draws the cross on the forehead of the child with holy water and further hymns are sung. Baptists believe that baptism must be done at a mature age where the candidate can make a personal decision of faith. This is by full immersion, where the candidate is completely submerged in holy water, reflects Jesus baptism in the river Jordan. Some people also celebrate naming days, this is when a child who has the same name as a saint also celebrates the saints birthday as a naming day-almost equivalent to another birthday. Small gifts are often given including money. There is a saints birthday for almost every day of the calendar In Buddhism, although they do not go through a specific baptism ceremony, they do go through a similar form of worship for new member of the Buddhist faith. The person undertaking the ceremony is kneeled in front of an altar, where he pays homage to the Buddha and is teachings. The clergyman then places his hand on the forehead of the individual and makes him aware of his responsibility not to commit one of the five sins: Dont steal, dont rob, dont commit illegal sex, dont take intoxicating substances (those that cloud the mind) and dont commit untruths. young to understand their vows. Confirmation normally takes place in the teens in most Christian churches. For more liberal churches, it is only a physical entry into the church, rather than a sacrament. Buddhist Baptism By samalexanderl 999

Monday, October 21, 2019

Macbeth Essays (363 words) - Characters In Macbeth, Free Essays

Macbeth Essays (363 words) - Characters In Macbeth, Free Essays Macbeth Macbeth is a tragic hero, a person of high rank who is brought to eventual ruin by a flaw in his character Macbeth's tragic flaw is his ambition, which leads him to a series of bloody and increasingly indefensible acts. The most apparent flaw, and perhaps the most tragic in Macbeth's character, is his lack of patients and temperance. These shortcomings haunted Macbeth, causing him to let his overvaulting ambition rush fate, and hasten his doom. Macbeth could not wait for an appointment to a position of more power. Instead, he murdered the king to take his place. Opting not to wait to see if Banquo would be loyal to him, Macbeth had his companion murdered. His impatience led Macbeth to listen to his wife, the witches, and his darker side. He again informed people what a good man was not. In the end, Macbeth did regain a shred of his previous distinction when he faced his adversaries like a true warrior. Macbeth's last words are those of a good man who faces his own problems. To Macduff he shouts his last words, Before my bodyI throw my warlike shield. Lay on, Macduff,And damn'd be him that first cries, 'Hold, enough! Like a bear, Macbeth regains his seat of honor, and becomes in his last breath, a go od man. To proceed further, MacBeth's superstitious and vivid imagination is also a primary contributor to his downfall. MacBeth's belief in the weird sisters and their prophecies is perhaps the greatest flaw that leads to his demise. It is his option to take the witches' words as having any substance. MacBeth can assume that the prophecies becoming reality is merely coincidental, but his superstition and curiosity in the Weird Sisters is the basis for all his actions after his first visit with the hideous hags. Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor: the greatest is behind....Two truths are told... (1,3) Upon hearing that the king has pronounced him Thane of Cawdor, MacBeth immediately finds that the witches were correct in their prophecy. This makes MacBeth wonder about the next prophecy, and he ends up acting on his free will to make it come true.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

22 Causas de Negación de Ingreso a USA por Inadmisibilidad

22 Causas de Negacià ³n de Ingreso a USA por Inadmisibilidad Las autoridades de los Estados Unidos pueden negar a cualquier extranjero el ingreso a Estados Unidos  con una o varias  causas de inadmisibilidad. Esto aplica incluso a los residentes permanentes legales. Asimismo, puede aplicar tanto a los que estn fuera del paà ­s como los que ya se encuentran en su interior. Este es una situacià ³n grave y, por ello, este artà ­culo informa sobre cules son las causas de inadmisibilidad, cà ³mo surge el problema y dà ³nde y, finalmente, quà © se puede hacer para solucionar el problema. Antes de comenzar, seà ±alar que es muy importante distinguir las  causas de inadmisibilidad, la razà ³n que se da est seà ±alada con un nà ºmero  212(a),  de las causas de inelegibilidad  que hacen que el cà ³nsul rechace una solicitud de visa por motivo calificado en los documentos oficiales  como 214. 22 causas de inadmisiblidad que impiden el ingreso en Estados Unidos Las causas de inadmisibilidad pueden aplicar tanto a las visas no inmigrante, tipo turista, estudiante, trabajo, intercambio, etc como a las visas de inmigrante, para obtener la green card o tarjeta de residencia. Incluso pueden aplicar a personas que se encuentran legalmente en los Estados Unidos y que solicitan un cambio de estatus. Por ejemplo, una persona con visa H1B que pide la residencia permanente mediante un ajuste de estatus. Las causas de inadmisibilidad, que se conocen en inglà ©s con el nombre de grounds of inadmissibility, son: Carga pà ºblica. Sospecha de que es posible convertirse en una fuente de gasto para las arcas pà ºblicas de Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, personas enfermas, muy mayores, etc.Sufrir una enfermedad contagiosa, como por ejemplo, tuberculosis.Sufrir una enfermedad fà ­sica o mental que convierta al enfermo en un peligro para otras personas.Consumo de drogas. La expresià ³n que utilizan las autoridades de inmigracià ³n es abusador de drogas y por eso se entiende haber consumido una sustancia ilà ­cita ms de una vez en los à ºltimos tres aà ±os.Haber cometido o haber sido condenado por un delito inmoral.Haber sido condenado por varios delitos.Haber sido condenado por delitos especà ­ficos tales como trfico de drogas.Ser familiar de un traficante de drogas si se ha beneficiado de las ganancias de esa actividad en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os.Haber cometido espionaje o sabotaje.Haber cometido o haber sido condenado por un delito agravado.Haber sido miembro de un partido polà ­tico t otalitario, como por ejemplo, un partido comunista, o de un partido nazi. Haber participado en un genocidio.Haber asegurado falsamente que se es ciudadano americano.Haber violado una ley de inmigracià ³n. Hay muchos ejemplos de esta circunstancia, por ejemplo, trabajar en Estados Unidos con una visa que no lo autoriza (turista, etc.)Haber cometido fraude migratorio. Bajo esta categorà ­a caben acciones muy distintas. Presentar documentos falsos ante un oficial migratorio o un consulado es una de ellas. Las mentiras en este contexto pueden resultar muy caras.Estar ilegalmente en Estados Unidos o haber estado si todavà ­a no se cumplià ³ el plazo de la penalidad.Haber sido deportado o expulsado.Haber ingresado a los Estados Unidos sin tener la documentacià ³n necesaria.Estar casado con ms de una persona al mismo tiempo. Estos son los casos de bigamia y poligamia.Haber realizado un secuestro internacional de nià ±os. Esto ocurre con frecuencia en el caso de paps y mams que no se ponen de acuerdo dà ³nde deben vivir los nià ±os. El problema es que sin darse cuenta se puede estar cometiendo ese delito, que es muy grave. Si se ha tenido una visa de intercambio J-1  y se est sujeto a la obligacià ³n de residir fuera de Estados Unidos por dos aà ±os.Ser un peligro para la seguridad nacional de los Estados Unidos. Esto incluye pertenencia a pandillas  (gangas). Quà © puede suceder en estos casos de inadmisibilidad Puede pasar tres cosas: Primero: la visa es denegada por un oficial consular. Tener en cuenta que la visa puede ser rechazada, adems, por otras causas, cuando se cree que no se cumplen los requisitos para obtenerlos. Segundo: el oficial de Inmigracià ³n de la CBP (Policà ­a Fronteriza) en un puerto de entrada (aeropuerto, puerto o frontera terrestre) prohà ­be el ingreso tras consultar su completà ­sima base de datos. En estos casos pueden darse dos situaciones: Si se llega al puerto de entrada con una visa o una green card  vlida, en algunas circunstancias es posible solicitar presentarse ante un juez de inmigracià ³n y, en su caso, apelar su decisià ³n ante la Corte de Apelaciones Migratorias.. Pero no siempre es posible. Por ejemplo, en casos de fraude o de haber asegurado falsamente ser ciudadano americano la decisià ³n del oficial de Inmigracià ³n es final. Pero tambià ©n puede suceder que se proceda a regresar a la persona inmediatamente a su lugar de procedencia. Las razones pueden ser varias, como en el ejemplo anterior. Pero tambià ©n sucede en caso como en los que no se tiene visa porque se es de un paà ­s del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados la decisià ³n del oficial de la CBP es tambià ©n final y no se podr solicitar comparecer ante un juez. Y tercera posibilidad: si ya se est dentro de Estados Unidos, las autoridades migratorias pueden proceder a la remocià ³n de la persona en esa situacià ³n. Quà © se puede hacer en los casos de inadmisibilidad Para algunos de estos supuestos es posible pedir un perdà ³n migratorio, tambià ©n conocido como waiver.  Por ejemplo, en casos de prostitucià ³n, enfermedades contagiosas, riesgo de ser una carga pà ºblica, condenas por delitos inmorales o, incluso, mà ºltiples condenas por delitos. Pero es muy importante entender que las reglas son distintas segà ºn los casos, que no es lo mismo pedir una visa no inmigrante que una inmigrante y que los perdones son medidas excepcionales.  Y tambià ©n hay que tener presente que el poder solicitar un perdà ³n no quiere decir que se vaya a obtener su aprobacià ³n. En estos casos es muy importante contar con la asesorà ­a de un abogado competente y con un buen rà ©cord, que no prometa cosas que, sencillamente, no pueden ser porque la ley no lo permite. Adems, tener en cuenta que hay causas de inadmisibilidad para los que no es posible jams pedir un perdà ³n. Por ejemplo, trfico de drogas, terrorismo o espionaje. Finalmente, es realmente aconsejable conocer cà ³mo aplica el castigo de inadmisibilidad de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os por presencia ilegal en los Estados Unidos y el castigo de la prohibicià ³n permanente. Este à ºltimo es frecuentemente ignorado pero afecta a muchas personas y las consecuencias son muy graves. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Baytown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Baytown - Essay Example According to Feiser the moral challenge in multinational companies need to live up to moral expectations more intense for multinational companies who need to live up to moral expectations both in the US and in host foreign countries. In developed countries, the moral expectations of the host country are as stringent as our own. With third world host countries, though, the moral expectations often more lax and multinationals are tempted to lower their standards when situations permit. Morality in business plays an important role. Business would not success if employees have problems with their colleagues because something has done something wrong with someone. Business will not able to reach its goal if the staffs are having problems. It is important to understand which actions violate morality. There are actions and decisions that are mistakenly understood as violation of morality which is in fact not. To be able to avoid such problems proper definition of the term morality should be clearly defined. Maltreatment of employees is one violation of morality. The company should have a clear list of moral issues that is important for the company's success. Business ethics are the one that examines the moral problems that can arise in business environment.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Reading Responses of Long Day's Journey Into Night by O'neill, Essay

Reading Responses of Long Day's Journey Into Night by O'neill, Copyright 02 - Essay Example Most prominent in the book is the theme of addiction and drug abuse. The man of the family, James Tyron, is a worried man about his sons and wife. Mary, the wife is nursing morphine addiction as Edmund and Jamie struggle with alcohol addiction. In addition to these struggles, James has financial problems despite being a considerably wealthy man. All his wealth is tied up in assets. These tribulations befalling a man at the same time would make the strongest of men to crumble. Further, Tyron’s family is in chaos with itself. Everyone has problems and no one is willing to take responsibilities for anyone’s muddle. Act II begins as Jamie and Edmund taunt each other over stealing their father’s liquor. The two sons steal their father’s wine and top it up with water so that their father does not realize. Jamie is suspicious over everything. Edmund has an involving task of supervising his mother not to resume abusing morphine despite his addiction. He cares for his mother and is worried about her condition despite himself. Edmund is reluctant to take a test to ascertain his health condition for the fear of traumatizing his mother. He suffers but perseveres it for his mother’s sake. He says: promise not to worry yourself sick and to take care of yourself (ONeill, 23). O’Neill’s work is full of tension. James’s house is full of suspicion. In Act II, Edmund accuses his brother of being suspicious over everything. The characters in the play contribute to the dissonance. Jamie’s suspicion causes tension in the house. He complains that he had been put in the dark for 10 years about his mother’s addiction. He, therefore, trusts no one in the family. To him, everything that goes on is akin to a scheme. Moreover, the two sons are not sure of their mother’s morphine addiction state. When Mary left the main bedroom to go sleep in a spare bedroom due to her husband’s snore, Edmund suspected she was up

Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 22

Paraphrasing - Essay Example One needs to drink adequate amount of water and have enough rest to overcome heat effects on the body. The WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature) system is used to measure heat and its index takes into consideration all environmental factors like humidity, radiant heat and air heat. WBGT can be ascertained through direct and indirect sunlight exposure. WBGT is made up of dry, wet and black globe thermometers. Dry bulb thermometer records air temperature (Tdb). Natural wet bulb thermometer records evaporative temperature (Tnwb) while black globe thermometer records radiant temperature (Tg). The analog and the digital instruments did not exhibit a significant variation in temperature. Both gadgets are designed to measure air temperature. Both instruments effectively record air temperature, but, they will record different measurements owing to the fact that one records temperature readings with decimals unlike the other. The experiment utilized a heater to assess the heating condition in for ten minutes. When the heater was used, we observed that the temperature of the two instruments increased. Air circulation was not measured, but the absence of a fan means there was limited error possibility in our data. Like any other experiment, this experiment is not free of human and gadget errors. Probable sources of error in this experiment include malfunctioning of instruments, thermometer failure on analog instrument and wrong data entry among others. In summary, this experiment is crucial for safety managers who can implement it in work environments with temperature fluctuati on to ensure safe working environment for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The movie Amadeus Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Amadeus - Movie Review Example The perception of Salieri is characteristic of many people in the society who fails to understand that in some cases talent fail to go together with reputation. Due to the limited introduction in the first meeting in Archbishops palace Salieri relies on the offstage irrelevance symptoms in Mozart and feels that there is little that can come out of such a personality (Ebert 151-3).Their close interaction exposes the true picture of Salieri when Mozart stands out in composition and performance. The ability of Mozart significantly shakes the faith of Salieri as he senses danger of being displaced and losing the battle of musical supremacy to this new entrant. Salieri’s previous misconception was based on poor ability to distinguish between reputation and intrinsic talent. He failed to realize that God use people to express unique differences and when Mozart critiques and refine March of Welcome with immediate popularity Salieri are surprised. It is evident from the film that Salieri was a devoted God fearing man who hinged his entire dreams of hitting the heights of music through serving in the court. It seems he arrived before Mozart and remained the shining start before his skills are overtaken with the arrival of his perceived competitor. Since Salieri was previously the finest composer in the court for the emperor, he held the title of "brightest star" in Viennas musical life (Ebert 151-3). By occupying a central place in the heart of the emperor as far as his musical talent was concerned, Salieri could not imagine of getting challenged until Mozart arrived. The discontent of Salieri in his ability is seen from Mozart’s emergence to redo the composition of Salieri and turn it into what becomes the Non pià ¹ andrai which touches even the attention of Salieri’s own wife. Imagining of how God is using Mozart to produce a refined set piece in music drives Salieri jealous and overlooks the praises he had got from the emperor. The

Regulations Influencing The UK Construction Industry Essay

Regulations Influencing The UK Construction Industry - Essay Example Due to this concern, sustainable construction’s concept emerged, while national governments passed a number of regulations to help in the management of the large construction industry. Undeniably, sustainable construction remains an imperative channel of improving the construction industry’s performance, hence rendering it more sustainable. Consequently, national governments have helped to reduce the environmental challenges posed by the diverse construction activities (Hackett et al, 2006). The construction sector remains an imperative industry in the UK. It has profound social, environmental, and economical impacts. According to Barkham (2012), the construction industry of the UK contributes around 10 percent of the total GDP of the UK. Besides, it provides over 1.5 million individuals with employment. However, it has dire environmental effects attributed to the diverse construction activities. For instance, the UK reports an annual average waste of about 70 million t ones with about half of all generated energy being used by the sector. The UK has passed several acts, including the Anti -Corruption Act of 2012. Such developments have improved sustainable construction levels throughout the nation, even though it still lags much behind compared to the other European nations (Morton, 2007). The purpose of this paper is to examine some regulations, which impact upon the UK construction industry and the impacts they have had upon it. The first regulator of the construction industry is the CIS (Construction Industry Scheme). The CIS stipulates the rules and procedures of how contractors must handle their subcontractors’ payment during construction work within the construction sector. The CIS applies primarily to construction contractors and subcontractors within the mainstream construction activities. Conversely, the firms and businesses whose central work is not construction are required to handle their work as contractors within the construct ion sector; they consequently fall under CIS. This is usually applicable to firms and businesses that have a relatively high yearly expenditure on construction work (Morton, 2007). All contractors under CIS must follow some stipulated regulations when paying their subcontractors. Subcontractors are advised to register themselves with the HMRC and ensure they inform them about any changes they make to their businesses in order to ascertain that they are paid their dues correctly (Morton, 2007). Contractors under CIS are also obliged to make their monthly returns every month. Finally, both contractors and subcontractors working under the CIS should update the HMRC about any alterations they make to their business since their registration with the scheme. These changes or details include change in address, business legal structure changes, liquidation, and cessation of operations among other issues (Ruddock, 2008). Another important regulation is the 2008’s Climate Change Act of the UK, which became a law on first December 2008. This act concerns itself with the cutback of greenhouse gases emission. It goes further to affirm that the UK government has a binding duty of assessing the diverse risks associated with climate change within the UK. Conversely, this act only guarantees a certain level of carbon cutback by the year 2050. In addition, it affirms that carbon emissions must be minimized by at least twenty six percent and eighty percent by 2020 and 2050 respectively. The government intends to achieve this via several ways involving increased carbon pricing and utilization of renewable energy (Myers, 2008). Therefore, it is advisable to mull over

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The movie Amadeus Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Amadeus - Movie Review Example The perception of Salieri is characteristic of many people in the society who fails to understand that in some cases talent fail to go together with reputation. Due to the limited introduction in the first meeting in Archbishops palace Salieri relies on the offstage irrelevance symptoms in Mozart and feels that there is little that can come out of such a personality (Ebert 151-3).Their close interaction exposes the true picture of Salieri when Mozart stands out in composition and performance. The ability of Mozart significantly shakes the faith of Salieri as he senses danger of being displaced and losing the battle of musical supremacy to this new entrant. Salieri’s previous misconception was based on poor ability to distinguish between reputation and intrinsic talent. He failed to realize that God use people to express unique differences and when Mozart critiques and refine March of Welcome with immediate popularity Salieri are surprised. It is evident from the film that Salieri was a devoted God fearing man who hinged his entire dreams of hitting the heights of music through serving in the court. It seems he arrived before Mozart and remained the shining start before his skills are overtaken with the arrival of his perceived competitor. Since Salieri was previously the finest composer in the court for the emperor, he held the title of "brightest star" in Viennas musical life (Ebert 151-3). By occupying a central place in the heart of the emperor as far as his musical talent was concerned, Salieri could not imagine of getting challenged until Mozart arrived. The discontent of Salieri in his ability is seen from Mozart’s emergence to redo the composition of Salieri and turn it into what becomes the Non pià ¹ andrai which touches even the attention of Salieri’s own wife. Imagining of how God is using Mozart to produce a refined set piece in music drives Salieri jealous and overlooks the praises he had got from the emperor. The

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organizational Behavior Concerning Change within the Workplace Term Paper

Organizational Behavior Concerning Change within the Workplace - Term Paper Example ABC Merchandise, a U.S-based manufacturer of sports products, is facing a pronounced downturn in business. Top management has decided to reduce its workforce. This managerial action is expected to improve the efficiency of the firm and, subsequently, to enhance its competitiveness. Their management is facing the question of how to go about downsizing and which downsizing strategy or strategies to adopt? A downsizing strategy directly, or indirectly, impacts stakeholders such as management and non-management employees, communities, suppliers, and customers. At issue is whether the savings from employee reductions may, under certain conditions, be more than offset by rising agency costs and other stakeholder costs. Studies conducted by Amundson, Borgen, Jordan, & Erlebach (2004) and Armstrong-Stassen (2004) have highlighted negative effects of firing and layoffs on surviving employees, which include high degrees of stress due to increased workloads and job insecurity, reduction in orga nizational commitment, and lack of trust in management. Therefore it is important that downsizing process must entail long term thinking and it should b done in the context of coherent plan. Downsizing: Impact on Stakeholders Not all downsizing outcomes are positive. The evidence continues to prove that downsizing is risky business, often leaving a legacy of inhumane management which targets only symptoms and in the long run destroys the future health of the organization. About half of the organizations never see the benefits expected from downsizing. Long-term decreases in labor costs are achieved by fewer than two-thirds of the organizations that downsize and less than half of the organizations realize any lasting improvements in profitability (Hopkins & Weathington, 2006). The simple fact is downsizing doesn't guarantee increased profits. Organization begins internal and external actions to reduce costs. If downsizing is selected, four steps follow: (a) planning for downsizing, ( b) communication of the workforce reduction, (c) implementation of the reduction, and (d) managing the new workforce (Mondy & Noe, 1993). Each of these steps has associated human resource issues. During the planning stage, rumors and unintended organizational messages are a problem, because the anticipation of reductions interferes with communication. During the actual reductions, coping with the reduction activity is the chief concern. Finally, when managing the new workforce, survivor issues emerge. All of these lead to reduced organizational effectiveness indicated by increased turnover and decreased productivity (Mondy & Noe, 1993). Companies often manage to eliminate the right numbers of people in the wrong areas or lose some of the best minds, especially if cost cutting is the driving force (Mondy & Noe, 1993). New employees must be recruited and trained, contractors hired, or ex ­-employees brought back as contractors. All of these situations create problems. Unfortunately, the increased costs for training the workforce, working necessary overtime, contributing to retiree health benefits, and making severance payments catch organizations unprepared for the total expense. Prospective employees are likely to avoid a

Monday, October 14, 2019

Education Essay Essay Example for Free

Education Essay Essay Education is a vital part of growing up. Without it, our potential cannot be utilized. We use education to make decisions, interact with others, and survive in general. In order for society to improve as a whole, we must use our education to improve on the knowledge we have already attained. Public education gives American citizens the chance to become critical thinkers, prepare for work, and compete in a global marketplace. Public education has transformed into a corrupt system. A system centered around the GPA. Getting a good percentage is the only thing that seems to be important in school. The only thing students care about is how they can pull off a 4.0. Even the teachers’ focus is on the grades. Teachers are rated based off how their students did on standardized tests and their grades. There is almost no focus on the pure attaining of knowledge. Once a student finishes a class, about 90% of the information they learned is lost. There is almost no importance on retaining knowledge after they finish testing on it. Students only about care their grades because that is what colleges look at. Everyone strives for that 4.0 GPA so they can get into their dream school. Once students get to college, their focus goes from learning to get a good grade to learning to prepare for their job. College students have to truly understand and retain the information they learn because it is important to their potential career paths. Although many problems can be found in public education, there are few that can actually be solved. Public education cannot be easily changed without disrupting the foundations of what public education does for students. If we change our focus from grades to pure learning, colleges would have no way of judging a student. It is the nature of the beast.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Zigbee Networks And Applications Information Technology Essay

Zigbee Networks And Applications Information Technology Essay ZigBee networking has number of applications, these applications are not just limited to home automation, inventory tracking, and healthcare but its applications are taking into account in daily life routine. Home automation is one of the major application areas for ZigBee wireless networking. The typical data rate for home automation application is 10kbps in a typical resident building. The applications of home automations are further explained. Security Systems A security system might have several sensors, including motion detectors, security cameras and glass-break sensors, these devices are required to communicate with the central security centre by either wires or a wireless network. ZigBee-based security systems are simple to install and easy to upgrade Although ZigBee has a low data rate, it has still the capability to transfer images wirelessly with reasonable quality., ZigBee has been used in a wireless camera system which do record the videos of visitor at a Front door and then transmit these recordings to monitor inside the house. Meter-Reading Systems Utility meters are needed to be read on a regular basis so as to generate utility bills. One simple way to do this task is by reading the meter manually at home premises and then enters values into a database. A ZigBee-based automatic meter-reading (AMR) system has the capability to create wireless mesh networks across residential complexes that makes link meters with utilities corporate offices. By using AMR, it provides the opportunity to remotely monitor the residenceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s electric, gas, and water usage. In this way it eliminates the need for a human to visit each residential unit on a monthly basis. Irrigation Systems ZigBee can be used as a part of sensor based irrigation system which is used in efficient water management. Sensors are installed across the landscaping field which can communicate to the irrigation panel. It communicates the soil moisture level at different depth levels to the irrigation panel. The panel controller than tells the watering time based on moisture level, plant type, time of day and the season readings. Light Control Systems One of the classic examples of using ZigBee is Light control in a house or commercial building. In a typical light installation system, it is necessary to install a wire from the light to a switch in order to turn on or off the light. No wired connection between the light and the switch is necessary if the light and switch are equipped with the ZigBee devices. In this way, any switch in the house can be assigned to turn on and off a specific light. A ZigBee-enabled recess light is much expensive compared to a regular recess light, but the installation cost of a ZigBee-enabled light is lower than regular recess light as it requires no extra wiring to a wall switch. Wireless remotes to control the lights is not a new concept in our daily life, By using ZigBee it provides the opportunity to implement this versatile concept on a large scale by ensuring long battery life. Multi zone HVAC Systems The multizone control system have the ability to allow a single heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) unit to have separate temperature zones in a house. Zoning the HVAC system can be very helpful as it saves the energy by controlling the air flow to each room and preventing the cooling or heating to unnecessary areas. ZigBee devices control the motors based on the commands they receive from the main HVAC zone Control panel and temperature sensors. Hotel Guest Room Access ZigBee-based systems can replace the magnetic key card systems which are widely used in hotels in order to access the guest rooms. The traditional room are accessed by plastic cards which have a magnetic strip on their back. The card reader installed on the guest door reads the information that is encoded on to the magnetic strip to allow or deny access to the room. The Installation of this reader to each door requires wiring through the door. A ZigBee- based room access system have a portable ZigBee device that acts as the key and a battery-powered ZigBee device inside the door that locks and unlocks it, the ZigBee based room access system do not require wiring of each door. In this way it reduces the installation cost. Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguishers are required to be checked after every 30 days in order to make sure that all canisters are charged and the filled in pressures are correct. Instead of checking the extinguishers manually, the alternative way is to connect a ZigBee-based monitoring system a sensor is to each fire extinguisher which will monitor its status and it will wirelessly communicate with the coordinator when maintenance is needed. A ZigBee-based monitoring system saves time and labor cost. It also helps to improve fire safety when the fire extinguisher is not working properly by alerting the authority. Remote Control ZigBee have applications that are used in wireless remote controls, game Controllers, a wireless mouse for a personal computer, and many other applications An infrared (IR) conventional remote control communicates with televisions, DVDs, and other entertainment devices through infrared signals. There are limitations of IR remotes. One of the limitation is that IR remotes that provide only one-way communication from the remote to the entertainment device. Also, IR signals do not have the ability to penetrate through the walls and other objects and it therefore require line of sight for its peroration properly. Radio frequency (RF) signals have the ability penetrate through walls and most objects. ZigBee is a suitable replacement technology for IR technology in remote controls as it is low cost and has long battery. ZigBee can be used to create a two way communication between the remote control and the entertainment device. For example, song information or on-screen programming options can be directly fed in to the remote itself, even when the remote control is not in the same room as the entertaining device. Healthcare One of applications of ZigBee in the healthcare industry is to monitor a Patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s vital health information remotely. For example a patient is staying at his home but for him it is important that his physician monitor his blood pressure and heart rate regularly continuously. A ZigBee network has the ability to collect the data from various sensors that are connected to the patient. The 802.15.4 standard uses a 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) technology in order secure the data flow between ZigBee devices and other networks. A patient wears a ZigBee device that is interfaced with different sensors, such as a blood pressure sensor, which gathers the information from these sensors on a periodic basis. The received information is transmitted to a ZigBee gateway. A ZigBee gateway provides the interface between ZigBee and other types of networks, such as an Internet Protocol (IP) network. The patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s gathered information is then transmitted via Internet to a personal computer of a physician or nurse that they use to Monitor the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s health status. This system could help hospitals in order to improve patient care and give some relieve hospital overcrowding by giving them the authority to monitor patients at home.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Cuban Revolution Essays -- Pérez-Stable Fidel Castro Ernesto Che G

Understanding the Insurrection and Seizure of Power [1952-1959] Marifeli Pà ©rez-Stable looks back at the Cuban Revolution through a sociological lens in her book The Cuban Revolution. Pà ©rez-Stable claims that Cubans held national independence and social justice as goals ever since the end of the nineteenth century. Radical nationalism remained important in Cubans’ view of themselves and their ideals. Thus, Pà ©rez-Stable argues that the origins of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 lie in the independence movement against Spain and the frustrations from the unfulfilled goals they had kept since before the turn of the century (Pà ©rez-Stable 1998, p 4). In the introduction of The Cuban Revolution, the author lists six factors which made Cuba "susceptible" to radical revolution (it is interesting to note that Pà ©rez-Stable is essentially giving no credit to the 26th of July Movement and Castro, but rather she is noting how the Cuban society was susceptible to revolution). The six factors listed are: mediated sovereignty, sugar-centered development, uneven modernization, the crisis of political authority, the weakness of the clases econà ³micas, and the relative strength of the clases populares (Pà ©rez-Stable, p 7). The vicious circle with the U.S. and sugar plays a big role in the situation and in the 1950’s. As Pà ©rez-Stable points out, without sugar there could be no Cuba, but there is no benefits to sugar without the U.S. market. The importance of social classes was also paramount, especially the unionized working class. On a more political level, Pà ©rez-Stable discusses the anti-Platt politics and the implications of the Constitution of 1940. According to Pà ©rez-Stable, "The Constitution of 1940 reestablished democracy and r... ...tions that may have weakened or slowed its progress. The revolutionary government of Grau San Martà ­n was a good example of how too many unions during the rise of a movement starts to be counterproductive. The coalition formed under Grau San Martà ­n never succeeded, in part, because nobody in the coalition was fully satisfied. The left never felt that Grau was radical enough, and the influence from the right eventually swayed Grau in their direction. In both 1933 and 1959, the communists wanted a "full" revolution, and thanks to the Castro’s narrow revolution strategy, a full revolution succeeded. The small nature of the revolution allowed Castro to direct it exactly as he wanted to, and to avoid allies slowing him down. During this time, Castro and his barbudos were able to win over many peasants and urban people alike, and eventually gain the support of the nation.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Characterization in John Updike’s A&P Essay

John Updike’s short story, A&P, is recounted from the point of view of its nineteen year old narrator, Sammy. Sammy’s character is particularly significant in the story. While the work has received several different interpretations, the focus of the story is clearly the lesson that the narrator learns in the course of events. The use of narration and description are especially revealing for Sammy’s personality. The story is told in the Present Tense and the style is appropriate for oral rather than written presentation. The descriptions, which focus on the appearance and gestures of the three girls in bathing suits who walk into the supermarket, are also significant as they monitor Sammy’s reactions. Thus, through the raw style used for narration and description, the story reveals Sammy’s subjective perception of the events, his youthful, romantic infatuation with the three girls and his desperate, chivalric but useless act. Sammy, who works on the cash register of a supermarket, is dazed by the appearance of three young girls, dressed in bathing suits. This is immediately apparent in the opening line of the story: â€Å"In walks these three girls in nothing but bathing suits† (Updike 187). The beginning of narration already reveals the impact that the image of the three girls has on the young boy. Significantly, Updike preserves the ungrammaticalities that Sammy makes in his speech. This technique has the effect of characterizing the narrator as a young, unsophisticated, middle-class boy. The whole of the story is dedicated to Sammy’s careful, detailed observation and description of the three girls and to his own, chivalric act, which concludes the story. The description of the three girls is in itself revealing for Sammy’s character. The focus is on the narrator’s eye, as he follows the girls from his place at the register, as they appear and disappear behind the aisles of the supermarket. He is both surprised and delighted at their appearance and their beauty. His eye is first caught by the chubby girl, wearing a green two-piece bathing suit and then by the brunette girl. Ultimately however, his focus remains with the third girl, that he calls Queenie. As the name he gives her shows, she is his favorite of the three and, in his view, the most beautiful one. Thus, the description is made exclusively from the narrator’s subjective point of view and registers faithfully his own reactions and impressions. What is significant moreover is the way in which Sammy perceives the girls on the whole. If the other characters in the story are either judgmental of the girls’ impropriety or else sexually attracted to them, Sammy is fascinated with the girls. According to his idealized perception, they are mythological or exotic creatures that belong to another world. He is so struck by their nude appearance and their natural beauty that he feels they are unlike everything else he has seen before. The setting of the story is particularly important in this respect. As Sammy himself emphasizes, the supermarket affords only dull views, unremarkable or ugly people. In Sammy’s view, there is a striking contrast between these unwonted customers wearing only bathing suits and the regular clients of the supermarket. Thus, when the girls approach with their single purchase, they hesitate between Sammy and one of his colleagues on another register. Sammy’s description of the old couple that goes up to Stokesie is very significant: â€Å"†¦Stokesie with his usual luck draws an old party in baggy gray pants who stumbles up with four giant cans of pineapple juice (what do these bums do with all that pineapple juice’ I’ve often asked myself)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Updike 193). The couple is dressed in â€Å"baggy, gray pants†, contrasting deeply with the girls’ colorful bathing suits and their young bodies. Also, Sammy is puzzled by the old couple’s purchases and obviously perceives them as ridiculous. On the other hand, he is not struck by the girls’ attire in an unpleasant way. When he notices one of his coworkers looking at the three girls in an improper way, Sammy feels that this is unjust and he even feels sorry for them: â€Å"All that was left for us to see was old McMahon patting his mouth and looking after them sizing up their joints. Poor kids, I began to feel sorry for them, they couldn’t help it† (Updike 195). There are other examples in the description that emphasize Sammy’s own perception of the girls. For instance, he is absolutely struck by the way in which Queenie wears her suit, with the straps down: â€Å"She had on a kind of dirty-pink – – beige maybe, I don’t know — bathing suit with a little nubble all over it and, what got me, the straps were down† (Updike 188). The fact that the girl wears the straps of her bathing suit down is delightful for Sammy. Moreover, the fact that he is sometimes clumsy in his description, not knowing, for example, what the exact color of Queenie’s suit is, also speaks of Sammy’s character as a young boy who is not extremely pertinent in fashion matters. Also, when the manager reprimands Queenie and her companions, Sammy sees the pickled herring jar reflected in the blue eyes of the girl. Again, the way in which Sammy observes and describes the situation shows him to be a romantic character, who regards the girls as representatives of an exotic, mythological world. Furthermore, Sammy’s romanticism is obvious in the way in which he contrasts the girls with the other shoppers. For him, the others are blind to the beauty of the three siren girls: â€Å"You could see them, when Queenie’s white shoulders dawned on them, kind of jerk, or hop, or hiccup, but their eyes snapped back to their own baskets and on they pushed. I bet you could set off dynamite in an A & P and the people would by and large keep reaching and checking oatmeal off their lists†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Updike 192). The others do not perceive the girls as Sammy does and are not struck by their aesthetic quality. Queenie’s white shoulders, bare and indicative of purity, are the symbol of the natural, uncensored by social rules world of the beach, whereas the consumers are symbols of the automatic drives of production and consumption of the capitalist society. Sammy sees the other shoppers for what they are – not individuals, but the components of a system, a mere herd, their personalities limited to the very automatic gestures and directions imposed by the shopping list. In his descriptions, Sammy sets the girls well apart from the ordinary, mechanical and artificial world of the supermarket. As critics have emphasized, the story’s symbolism clearly points to Sammy as a romantic hero who becomes lured by the beauty of the sirens: â€Å"Updike pokes gentle fun at Sammy because he succumbs to the girls who are cast in the roles of the legendary Sirens–the mythological temptresses who lured unwary males to their destruction† (Blodgett 103). Sammy portrays the girls as being in sharp contrast with the common world, which is represented by the materialist preoccupations in the supermarket. As he stands dazed by the appearance of the girls, he significantly makes a mistake on the register, ringing the same box of crackers twice. The mistake further emphasizes Sammy’s abstraction into the fairytale, mythological world the three girls belong to. His final gesture of quitting his job in order to defend the girls is also significant: he refuses any connection to the pragmatic, insensitive world of the supermarket, which remains careless in front of the girls’ beauty. Their exoticism is further underlined by the fact that the city is far from the ocean that the girls’ image represents so well: â€Å"It’s not as if we’re on the Cape; we’re north of Boston and there’s people in this town haven’t seen the ocean for twenty years† (Updike 189). For Sammy, the girls are sirens who conquer him with their beauty and who also prove to have a fatal influence over his destiny in the end. Thus, Sammy’s narrative and descriptive style points to his personality and his views on the events he participates in. He embodies the young, inexperienced youth who becomes infatuated with a beautiful, exotic girl. As Wells points out, Sammy is not aware of his sexual attraction to the girls and idealizes it, transforming it into a gesture of honor and chivalry: â€Å"A&P is told after the fact by a young man now much the wiser, presumably, for his frustrating infatuation with a beautiful but inaccessible girl whose allure excites him into confusing his sexual impulses for those of honor and chivalry† (Wells 129). In the end however, Sammy learns a hard lesson. His romantic view, resembling that of Don Quixote, makes him quit his job and adopt the role of the unacknowledged hero: â€Å"The girls, and who’d blame them, are in a hurry to get out, so I say ‘I quit’ to Lengel quick enough for them to hear, hoping they’ll stop and watch me, their unsuspected hero†(Updike 194). However, like Don Quixote, Sammy obviously mistakes the girls’ potential for sexual appeal for something more. Instead of the glory he expects as a hero, he is left with the uncertainty of a future without a job. The girls, like fairies, vanish into thin air and the supermarket world remains as grey as before, with its usual inhabitants: â€Å"I look around for my girls, but they’re gone, of course. There wasn’t anybody but some young married screaming with her children about some candy they didn’t get by the door of a powder-blue Falcon station wagon† (Updike 196). Sammy is therefore the embodiment of an idealist, inexperienced young man, who seems to believe that the three girls belong to another world. Through the use of narrative and description, Updike renders a vivid portrait of the narrator of A&P. Thus, the narrator speaks in his own language, using his own particular style. Moreover, his observation and description of the three girls and of the events is very significant, as it reveals him to be an idealist young man, with unreasonable expectations of what the surrounding reality should look like. Works Cited: Blodgett, Harriet. Imagery in the Works of John Updike. New York: Heldref, 2003. Updike, John. â€Å"A&P. † Pigeon Feathers and Other Stories. New York: Knopf, 1962. 187-96. Wells, Walter. â€Å"John Updike’s ‘A&P’: A Return Visit to Araby. † Studies in Short Fiction. 30. 2 (1993): 127-33.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Understand the Relationship Between Organizational Structure and Culture

Introduction The aim of this unit is to give learners an understanding of individual and group behaviour in organisations and to examine current theories and their application in managing behaviour in the workplace. Areas of Learning 1 Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture Types of organisation and associated structures, organisational culture, Diagnosing behavioral problems, perception, significance and of individual difference, Individual behaviour at work 2 Understand different approaches to management and leadershipDevelopment of management thought, functions of management, managerial roles, nature of managerial authority, Frames of reference for leadership activities 3 Understand ways of using motivational theories in organisations Motivation theories, motivation and performance, leadership, Leadership and successful change in organizations 4 Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations Teams and team building, team dynamics, Impact of technology on team functioning: 1|Page BTEC HND in Business/ Organisation and Behaviour/Sept12 -BLANK PAGE- 2|PageBTEC HND in Business/ Organisation and Behaviour/Sept12 UNIT INTRODUCTION This unit focuses on the behaviour of individuals and groups within organisations. It explores the links between the structure and culture of organisations and how these interact and influence the behaviour of the workforce. The structure of a large multinational company, with thousands of employees worldwide, will be very different from a small local business with 20 employees. The way in which an organisation structures and organises its workforce will impact on the development of its culture.A collection of shared values and beliefs will determine and shape the accepted patterns of behaviour of an organisations workforce. Depending upon various factors such as type of industry/sector of the economy, culture of the external community in which the organization operates, physica l environment, profile of the workforce, and size, the cultures of different organizations can vary significantly. The structure and culture of an organisation are key factors that contribute to motivating the workforce at all levels of the organisation.The Japanese were instrumental in developing a culture of ‘continuous improvement through teamwork’ in their manufacturing industry. This feature of a culture has now been exported around the world and plays a major role in the way in which structure and culture contribute to patterns of behaviour in the workplace. This unit, through studying the dynamic relationships between structure and culture, will help learners to appreciate how these two aspects of a business organization can impact the behavior and outcomes of its workforce.SCENARIO You are newly appointed store manager of one of the biggest TESCOS supermarkets in Ireland with members of staff from different cultural and racial background, which required an organ izational culture, teamwork, and participatory decision making style, in order to achieve your short-term and long-term goals. You were recommended to the CEO and Board of Directors to take the above position based on your achievements as a Mini TESCOS supermarket in London.As part of your responsibilities, you are also required to apply different management styles and motivational theories, in order to achieve positive results from the company’s activities. In order to achieve the above objectives, you have to complete the following four (4) tasks: 3|Page BTEC HND in Business/ Organisation and Behaviour/Sept12 Task 1: Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture 1. 1 Compare and contrast three different organizational structures and cultures. 1. 2 Explain how the relationship between an organization’s tructure and culture can influence on the performance of the TESCOS’ activities at this Irish site. 1. 3 Identify and provide an overv iew of four factors that can influence individual behavior in the workplace at the Irish TESCOS. Task 2:Understand different approaches to management and leadership 2. 1: Compare and contrast three different leadership styles for three different business organizations. 2. 2: Explain how organizational theory underpins the practice of management for the Irish TESCOS scenario. 2. 3: Evaluate four different approaches to management used by different organizations.Task 3: Understand ways of using motivational theories in organisations 3. 1 Discuss how different leadership styles may impact employee motivation in organizations in periods of change. In tackling this task, discuss to what extent specific leadership styles may positively or negatively could affect performance in specific change scenarios (e. g. adoption of new staff rota, etc. ). Please provide how this could help with a change at TESCOS in Ireland. 3. 2 Identify and discuss the application of three different motivational t heories within the workplace. 3. Evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theory for managers at the TESCOS in Ireland. Task 4: Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations 4. 1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organizations. 4. 2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit, limit, or undermine the development of effective teamwork in organizations (physical, social, etc. ) 4. 3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within such an organization as TESCOS in Ireland. 4|Page BTEC HND in Business/ Organisation and Behaviour/Sept12Submissions Deadlines Tasks 1 (Assignment) 2 (Assignment) 3 & 4 (Assignment) Submissions Guidelines Deadline 4th Week of September 3rd week of October 4th week of November Hardcopy of the assignment should be submitted at the college reception on or before at 4. 00 pm on the date specified. There is no stipulated length for the work but it should not be less exceed 3000 words for all tasks. All w ork must be delivered in softcopy versions. The softcopy should be uploaded on to the security purposes, learners should keep both copies with them. All be properly referenced. han 2000 words or both hardcopy and student portal. For assignments should 5|Page BTEC HND in Business/ Organisation and Behaviour/Sept12 Assessment Information Grading Criteria All Assignments will be assessed according to the following grading. Pass: To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate the ability to: LO1 Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture 1. 1 compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture 1. 2 explain how the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business 1. discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work LO2 Understand different approaches to management and leadership 2. 1 compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organi sations 2. 2 explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management 2. 3 evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations LO3 Understand ways of using motivational theories in organisations 3. 1 discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organisations in periods of change 3. compare the application of different motivational theories within the workplace 3. 3 evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theory for managers LO4 Understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations 4. 1 explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations 4. 2 discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organisations 4. 3 evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a given organisation. 6|Page BTEC HND in Business/ Organisation and Behaviour/Sept12 Merit and Distinction: The grade descriptors provide a framework for the reation of gra ding criteria to be written and set within the context of the assignment. The grade descriptors describe the expected qualities of the learner’s work at Merit and distinction levels. The merit and distinction levels have three descriptors. Merit Descriptors: M1- Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions. Answers reflect that effective judgments have been made about the specific content and the information. The answers show that an effective approach to study and research has been applied within the scenario e. g. comparing features, theories and models comparison etc.M2 – Select /Design and apply appropriate methods / techniques An accurate standard method has been used in defining information sources is well justified and summarized. M3 – Present and communicate appropriate findings A clear, accurate standard for presenting information has been used in terms of diagrams, charts, tables. Distinction Descriptors D1- Use Critical reflection to ev aluate own work and justify valid conclusions Proper evaluation and justification shown in all the answers and relevant conclusions have been arrived at thorough synthesis of ideas.D2- Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities Independence – Tasks have been attempted with minimal assistance provided by the lecturer D3- Demonstrate convergent/lateral/ creative thinking Ideas have been generated and proper evaluation and decisions taken based on facts gathered within the scenario 7|Page BTEC HND in Business/ Organisation and Behaviour/Sept12 Assessment Marking Grid Task Assessment Criteria (A. C) 1. 1 Pass Merit Distinction ? ? –M1 -M2 D2 —-D1 D3 —D1 — One 1. 2 1. 3 2. 1 Two 2. 2 ? 2. 3 3. 1 Three 3. 2 3. ? -Four 4. 1 4. 2 ? 4. 3 ? -? -? M3 —- ? ? ? ? 8|Page BTEC HND in Business/ Organisation and Behaviour/Sept12 Assignment Instructions Students are requested to comply with the following instructions on handing in their assign ment work †¢ †¢ Work should be comprehensively referenced Sources must be acknowledged fully by reference books, journals used and URL visited Include the Harvard Referencing System (guide is available on the college resources portal) All work should be word-processed, font size of 12 and font style of Times New Roman or Arial.Subtitles of the assignment should be in the font size of 14. Pages should be numbered in bottom right hand corner Spell check the document and read thoroughly for grammatical errors 1. 5-line spacing is preferable Bibliography at the end of the assignment All paragraphs should be aligned in justified mode. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 9|Page BTEC HND in Business/ Organisation and Behaviour/Sept12 References Textbooks Buchanan, D. and Huczynski, A. (2004) Organizational Behaviour: An Introduction Text (5th Ed). Harlow: Prentice Hall. French, W. Bell, C. (1984) Organization development: behavioral science Interventions for o rganization improvement. (3rd ed. ) New Jersey: Prentice hall Kinicki, A. and Kreitner, R. (2006) Organizational Behavior: key concepts, skills, & best practices ( 2nd ed. ) McGraw Hill Mullins, L. (2007) Management and Organizational Behaviour. (8th ed. ) London: FT/Prentice Hall Robbins, S. & Judge, T. (2008) Essentials of Organizational Behavior (9th Ed. ) New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall Smith, M. et al (1982) Introducing organizational behavior.London: Macmillan Brooks I — Organisational Behaviour, Individuals, Groups and Organisation 2nd Edition(Prentice Hall, 2003) ISBN: 0877781265 Huczynski A and Buchanan D — Organisational Behaviour: An Introductory Text (Prentice Hall, 2000) ISBN: 0273651021 Maccoby M — Why Work: Motivating and Leading the New Generation (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1998) ISBN: 067147281X (Outlines the changing nature of the workplace and categorises people into five types, giving the characteristics and sources of motivation and de motivation of each. ) 10 | P a g e BTEC HND in Business/ Organisation and Behaviour/Sept12