Thursday, October 17, 2019

The movie Amadeus Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Amadeus - Movie Review Example The perception of Salieri is characteristic of many people in the society who fails to understand that in some cases talent fail to go together with reputation. Due to the limited introduction in the first meeting in Archbishops palace Salieri relies on the offstage irrelevance symptoms in Mozart and feels that there is little that can come out of such a personality (Ebert 151-3).Their close interaction exposes the true picture of Salieri when Mozart stands out in composition and performance. The ability of Mozart significantly shakes the faith of Salieri as he senses danger of being displaced and losing the battle of musical supremacy to this new entrant. Salieri’s previous misconception was based on poor ability to distinguish between reputation and intrinsic talent. He failed to realize that God use people to express unique differences and when Mozart critiques and refine March of Welcome with immediate popularity Salieri are surprised. It is evident from the film that Salieri was a devoted God fearing man who hinged his entire dreams of hitting the heights of music through serving in the court. It seems he arrived before Mozart and remained the shining start before his skills are overtaken with the arrival of his perceived competitor. Since Salieri was previously the finest composer in the court for the emperor, he held the title of "brightest star" in Viennas musical life (Ebert 151-3). By occupying a central place in the heart of the emperor as far as his musical talent was concerned, Salieri could not imagine of getting challenged until Mozart arrived. The discontent of Salieri in his ability is seen from Mozart’s emergence to redo the composition of Salieri and turn it into what becomes the Non pià ¹ andrai which touches even the attention of Salieri’s own wife. Imagining of how God is using Mozart to produce a refined set piece in music drives Salieri jealous and overlooks the praises he had got from the emperor. The

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